This page created 2 February 2001


Appendix I, Ministerial Taskforce on Sport, Fitness & Leisure. January 2001


The meaning of the terms leisure, recreation and sport is frequently debated. Despite the absence of universally agreed definitions the Taskforce believes it important to set out in detail the characteristics of these key terms.

Recreation is a dimension of leisure. Leisure time is time spent away from work pursuing activities that may fall into the following categories:
(a) activities that primarily have a mental and/or creative domain such as painting or embroidery
(b) activities that primarily have an intellectual domain such as playing chess or reading
(c) physical recreation, which may have a number of the following characteristics:
participants personally experience physical activity

Examples of physical recreation include: tramping in the bush, boating, fishing, fitness classes, walking and physical activity games.

In general, sport is more structured than physical recreation and has parameters set externally from the participants over which they have little or no direct control. Sport may have a number of the following characteristics:

Social Sport
Social sport straddles recreation and sport. The main characteristics of social sport are:


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